Deca-Durabolin (Deca) / Nandrolone and TRT - Reddit AMA Answers

Author: AlphaMD

In this AMA, we're answering questions on Deca-Durabolin (Deca) / Nandrolone and TRT from the Reddit community.


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Garrett Soames:  All right. Hey everyone, it's Dr. Garrett Soames with Alpha MD. I'm here with Brian. We're doing more of our AMA answering questions that y'all have that have been given to us through our reddit profile. So one of the questions that came up this time was regarding an Andrew loan. The question was specifically, you know, Can it be prescribed? When is it used? So Yeah, neanderlone, Yes, can be prescribed. It is. It is legal to prescribe an angelone in the United States.

Garrett Soames:  It's you don't often see it prescribed but it is becoming more common to see it. Prescribed, What is it? An angelone is. Also known as Decadura Bowen or Deca, it's been around for quite a while. Basically, neanderlone was one of the first. Actually, I think it was the first testosterone substitute. It was so it is, it was designed to try to mimic testosterone. But it doesn't have the exact same chemical structure. Technically, it's chemicals. Designation is 19 nor testosterone. Ultimately,


Garrett Soames:  It works very similar to how testosterone works but some of the chemical structure changes, give it very unique aspects that again, sometimes make it worthwhile to prescribe. So the first thing to note about Neandralone is the and anabolic to androgenic ratio. So again, that's a testosterone is is the baseline. Testosterone is rated as a one-to-one, so everything's compared against it. Um, so neanderlone actually has a 11 to 1 ratio as far as Anna anabolic to androgenic ratio. What that means is

Garrett Soames:  you get 11 times bang for your buck as far as muscle mass growth with neanderlone with no additional androgenic side effects. Like deepening voice or body hair growth or hair loss. Things like that. For that reason. Again, it's it's it has had a history of abuse in the bodybuilding community. In fact, it's probably one of the better bulking agents because of that. It's, it's a got some interesting properties though. That kind of set it apart. In particular, as I'm sure you're all aware testosterone can convert into DHT. And DHT has some side effects which are often not wanted in particular, hair loss.

Garrett Soames:  So there are a lot of men out there who want to do TRT but they're afraid of hair loss. What's interesting about an angelone is it does not and cannot convert to DHT. And since DHT is the cause for male pattern baldness, essentially we often will be prescribing mandrelone in men who need testosterone replacement that are also fearful of hair loss or have a strong history of hair loss, that want to try to retain their hair. It basically the DHT instead of converting into DHT, the, the Neander loan at converts into what's called a five alpha dihydro-19 or testosterone. So, basically, it just changes just enough but it's a Distinct molecular compound. That again cannot convert into DHT.

Garrett Soames:  So in men, that we traditionally would have a higher dose of testosterone for their TRT protocol, we can actually lower the testosterone and add nandrolone and so they, again get a lot of the TRT benefits with fewer side effects that are that sometimes comes with TRT. So we, we do often try to prescribe an angelone in men, who come to us, who have some concern for for hair loss. And beyond that. Again, it It, it's well known for its joint effects again.

Garrett Soames:  Some studies primarily animal studies have shown that it does actually help with collagen, production in the tendons, and the joints themselves. There have been some studies on post-surgical patients, where, you know, patients were given like a rotator cuff surgery and then seeing how they recover essentially, it can reduce recovery time by half and does strengthen tendon. So it's one of the few Medications out there that is actually known to help with tendons strength.

Garrett Soames:  And so we we sometimes have patients, who would, you know, come to us with joint complaints or you know, they get tendonitis often, things like that. And again, if they meet the criteria doing a course of natural on top of their TRT therapy, helps them recover and get back to normal. It natural on does come as an injection. It has pretty much the same side effect profile, otherwise as testosterone. But yeah, it's safe to use, it's safe to use long-term as well. So again, in those patients that are concerned about hair loss, we can prescribe it, you know, forever. But yeah, we we don't do it in every patient but in those that we do, they seem to do well with it.


Brian Mckinley: Yeah, we I would say that the only other thing that perspective patients would need to be aware of is just people have mentioned a passing interest when they come to us. And then, you know, even if they meet the criteria, we do kind of mention that there is a cost. issue with natural one which is, you know, testosterone's been around for a very long time and…

Garrett Soames: If?

Brian Mckinley: is produced really In volume everywhere where as natural and as less produced. So it's more expensive and so, for a lot of patients who think it might be like, Oh, I could use a little bit of that. Well, you know, just be aware, there's a much higher cost to it. And that's usually people are like, Oh well, you know, I don't need it if it's going to cost significantly more, which it can depending on the dosage…

Garrett Soames:  And cool. Yeah.

Brian Mckinley: but that's the only other like practical downside to it. But, yeah, I think that's if an answer is the question really well. Thanks for joining us again.

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