Which Protein Powder is right? TRT & Testosterone Fitness

Author: AlphaMD

Start of fitness focused videos from AlphaMD, to get the most out of your TRT treatment.

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Brian Mckinley:  Okay. Hello, this is Alpha MD Again this is Brian. Garrett is here with me today and we're gonna be doing a focus on some more health health focused videos and kind of about fitness physique. That kind of thing things you can do to like, help supplement your TRT journey. And what we're gonna be talking about today is the primary different types of protein powders. I'm gonna pass this off to Garrett, and he's just gonna kind of go over each one and give them a quick minute break down something like that. And we'll go from there. So yeah, Garrett

Garrett Soames: Right. Yeah. Hey guys, again, it's Garrett and Just gonna kind of give you a brief overview of the most common protein supplements. You know, we've certainly here at Elf MD, We really want to help you get the most out of your TRT. A lot of guys have a, you know, A desire to put on some muscle mass, which you know, is is understandable. And so, you know, but you're not gonna do that without the correct, you know, protein fueling your muscles. So You know, we'll just do a brief breakdown of pretty much the the majority of supplementary proteins that are out there and typically in powder form and

Garrett Soames:  But yeah, so let's get started. So, what types of proteins are there? Well, first, there's the general categories, there's protein concentrate. And then there's protein isolate. And then there's protein hydrosylates. So generally a concentrate that was where they extracted from some food product you know milk or whatever. They use heat and acid and enzymes usually.

Garrett Soames:  Most of those, most of the times that ends up being about an 80%, pure protein, with some remaining sugars and fats that are left over. Protein isolates are a little different. They, they add an additional filtering process, which removes more of those fats and carbs. So those are more pure protein there. They usually get closer to 90 to 95 Percent. Pure protein with that additional 5% being You know, fats or or carbs?

Garrett Soames:  And then protein hydrolysates goes an additional step. So it goes basically they add further heat more acid or an enzyme breaks further. The protein down further into more of like a, the branch chain. So it actually breaks down the protein itself. Into more of like the aminos. But other than that again, you can have any of those from any type from way to caffeine to whatever.

Garrett Soames:  But the first and most common one. The first most common protein that you'll hear out there is whey protein. It's the most most abundant one. It is one of the cheaper ones to produce so it is one of the cheaper ones on the on the shelf. Um, it's it's produced from milk basically. They it's the liquid that they they separate from the Kurds when they're making cheese. And it's very high in protein, but it has lactose. So if you're lactose intolerant, this one's out for sure.

Garrett Soames:  So the benefit of whey is that it is one of the quickest ones to break down into the branch chain of amino acids, which again are ultimately what your muscles need to grow.

Garrett Soames: One interesting thing about we is it produces, it's got one of the more important. Amino acid needed for muscle building and that's leucine. So it produces a higher. Amount of leucine than really, any of the other proteins that are out there. And again, leucine being really the most important amino acid for muscle growth. Way often comes out as the king of your options for the benefit of muscle growth.

Garrett Soames: You know, it helps with, you know, like any protein, it helps with muscle recovery, you know. in response to like strength training, but Again it it doesn't really work for everybody again because they're lactose intolerant, Even people aren't lactose intolerant, it can cause some GI upset.

Garrett Soames:  But what one of the second secondary benefits of way? Is that more than any other protein out there? It actually has a high satiety, rating. Satiety rating is just how much it makes you feel full and for how long Um, so if you're looking to lose weight, Weight is your best option for sure because it helps you feel full. So you're not hungry and snacking. So it's it's the best protein for weight loss, for sure. And it's it's a You know definitely seems to be the best for muscle growth as well but you know there are certainly other options too.


Garrett Soames:  Basically, I'm sure many of you have heard of cassing protein, caffeine or casein, depending where you live and how you pronounce it. But caffeine protein is, Again, also, derived from milk products basically. What's interesting about it as is when it hits the stomach, it develops into like a gel like it gels into, you know, like a gelatin like substance and that means it starts, it takes time to digest it down further. The benefit of that. Is it releases protein over a long period of time? So, if you want constant, A rate of release of protein through your bloodstream.

Garrett Soames:  Cassians the way to go, I can release blood protein into your blood for upwards of eight hours in some studies. So if you're trying to put on muscle, Then casting is best taken at night before you go to bed so that all through the night you're sleeping for eight hours. Your protein is still being released through your, your system the entire time.

Garrett Soames: Which means you never really go into a catabolic state. Again, it's a milk product so it can cause GI upset for those who are lactose intolerant

Garrett Soames:  But it is one of the better ones for if you're already underweight this is not a good protein to use if you're trying to lose weight because again since you never drop into a catabolic state, you really, it's really harder for to lose weight. So

Brian Mckinley: Yeah, you actually need to be need to be hungry. At some point.

Garrett Soames:  now each Yeah, yeah. I mean basically kind of you need to. Yeah you need to have some hunger if you're gonna be losing weight so casting sort of blocks the weight loss. But if you're looking you know, if you're on the skinnier side and you want to put on muscle mass caffeine is actually a great Protein, It's often wix mixed with weight.

Garrett Soames:  You know, because way again, is a rapid rapid release. It's usually in your bloodstream, within 45 minutes to an hour once it hits your stomach, whereas casting again it takes a while for it to kick in but it takes a long time. So yeah, caffeine has its benefits. The the next protein. Is egg protein. So egg protein we know eggs or king when it comes to natural you know natural proteins found in a natural product. So There they have a bunch of you know, health benefits and stuff. So they have obviously derived some weight, I should say. Sorry some protein powders. From egg. They do extract the yolk. So there is no egg yolk in the powder so that takes away all the vitamins and most of the minerals and stuff.

Garrett Soames:  but it leaves the, you know, it leaves the, the protein content, ultimately,

Garrett Soames:  you know, like all animal products, there is an increased, you know, likely hood of there, being a bit of an increase in your cholesterol levels with with, egg proteins though, actually, it's less since it's then protein and caffeine because it is, they remove the yoke But there aren't as many studies on egg proteins, as there are weighing caffeine, which is fine.

Garrett Soames:  But egg protein, if you have problems with inflammatory disease, arthritis, things like that it actually has been shown to cause less of an inflammatory response than way or casting protein. So also you know, I should say used to be one of the cheaper options because eggs were dime a dozen and now with inflation You know I don't know what it costs these days because eggs you know a dozen eggs isn't I feel like it's 30 bucks these days but you again you a protein is still one of the cheaper options the way protein still is the cheapest. So yeah, there's egg protein. Another common one you'll see is P protein and when I first saw this I was like what bees? I don't know, bees have protein. Like I never thought of them is like


Garrett Soames:  You know, like Popeye didn't eat peas, right? You know, so but sure enough peas do have a good deal of amino acids in them. Pea protein's a great option for those who are vegan. but also, those who may have any sensitivities to Um, to any lactose or if you're allergic to eggs. Essentially. Yeah, if you're if you're a vegan, you're you have an alleged eggs and your lactose intolerant, then pea proteins the way to go. Um,

Brian Mckinley: Yeah. I looked at using it when I became vegetarian and like the price point, the amount of protein per grant, like, you know, it it looked really good.

Garrett Soames:  Yeah. Yeah. What's cool? About P protein, it's absorbs slower than way but faster than casting so it's kind of a good middle ground. Um, it, you know, you get a good long release but it's it's a much more rapid release to be, you know, like, to be taken after a workout or something. it also does release some of the satiety hormones, which is interesting because most, you know, most vegetables don't do that very much so You'll feel full longer than you would on way. I'm sorry longer than you want on caffeine, but less than you would on way.

Garrett Soames:  But yeah, like any protein, you know, you can put on muscle with, with plant-based proteins too. But if of all the plant-based proteins, you know, I think P probably wins out just because of it's it's price point. It's one of the cheaper options. Did you have Brian? Did you ever try pre protein, or

Brian Mckinley: Yeah, I I actually found that you can when you're when you're starting to buy them in bulk, you can get them about the same price as you would if you're buying one of those five pounds or 10 pound, you know, big bag jar things that you get with. Like your regular way, there may be five dollars, more expensive and they're about the same grams in terms of available protein per scoop per serving as like regular way of protein. I was, I was genuinely impressed with just how comparable it was in the raw values and in the cost.

Garrett Soames: Cool. Yeah yeah. And one thing that one more feather in the cap of pea protein of all the the Proteins that are out there that are plant-based. It's one of the only ones that is a complete protein. Meaning it has all the essential amino acids in it. So you you don't need to supplement it with another type of protein or something else to get a complete protein, you know? And so you get all your essential acids amino acids out of just peas alone. So

Garrett Soames:  some of you may have heard of hemp protein, It's out there. It's actually gaining popularity. Probably because the fact that, you know, weed is legal and and many states now and there's a lot more legal weed production. And there's still a lot of weird regulations against hemp though.

Brian Mckinley: Yeah.

Garrett Soames:  Which is crazy. I think it was again at relates back to You know the cotton industry and whatever but yeah hemp protein is out there. Now it's actually being added to pretty much every plant-based protein as like to kind of thicken it out and kind of again increase the protein content a hemp The benefit of hemp is actually it's omega-3 fatty acid. So, Omega threes omega-6 is, those are actually important for heart health. So it's a type of fatty acid that actually is good for your heart.

Garrett Soames: So many patients who, you know, I see who maybe are on TRT therapy and there's, you know, working out and whatever. And they also want to improve their heart health. At the same time, I usually recommend adding hemp protein because again, this the fatty acids found in it are good for your heart. So hemp proteins, great again, it's a newer one. So there's not a research on it, but keep your eyes out for it. But yeah, if you have cholesterol issues or something, it's something. You could either add, add a scoop of to your regular protein, whichever, you know, choices or you can do. Hemp protein on its own though it is not a complete protein, so you'll have to supplement it elsewhere. Meaning it doesn't have all the essential amino acids, Yeah. But yeah.

Brian Mckinley: pressure, and then What else I was gonna say,…

Garrett Soames: Go ahead.

Brian Mckinley: like when you're talking about these other plant-based proteins, I don't think we've hit on on soy quite yet. And that's another one.

Garrett Soames:  Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Well yeah, let's talk about soy soy. Of all the plant-based proteins that are out there. Soy has been around the longest. So we all heard about soy. um, so it is great. There's a lot of studies on soy, and soy protein. It's been around forever. So what are its benefits? It's main benefit, the main benefit of soy. Is.


Garrett Soames:  It is, it's it's great for your heart health. It's the best of all of them for your heart health, soy protein. There's lots of studies that have proven, you know, supplementing it after people have had a heart attack, help prevent them from having a second heart attack.

Garrett Soames:  If, if you have a history coronary arteries, I do actually recommend you try maybe adding some soy. If if you're also trying to again, increase your protein intake, But soy again is subsidized by a government, so it is relatively cheap by our government, meaning, the US. If you're outside the US I don't know how much it costs in your country, but Yes, always. So he's a great option, it's a pretty bland on its own so they just, you know, obviously they have to add some flavoring and stuff, but it's, it's a, it doesn't cause this much GI upset is really any The other proteins, it's very easy on the stomach. It's relatively cheap, but it also, one of the risks of soy protein is, it's what's known as a phytoestrogen. Which is basically. Some of the proteins found in soy can.

Garrett Soames:  They mimic or look similar to estrogen does. Once it's broken down. and do its chemical form and that can

Garrett Soames:  in a sense cause estrogen like effects, Without actually increasing your, your actual estrogen level. So,

Garrett Soames:  I've actually treated patients, they're like I've treated a lot of patients enough to count probably on, you know, Both my my hands and my toes, um, you know, so maybe, you know less than 20 but more than 10 men who have come into the clinic and like, you know, I'm growing breasts or like my nipples are really sensitive.

Garrett Soames: One guy basically his. He was coming in and he was telling me about it. And yeah, he had a heart attack scare and so his wife was like, Oh she researched and Googled everything and she was like, I we need to get you a healthier diet. You're gonna stop smoking or do all these things. And he did him, you know, at, you know, his wife was his, his nurse and cheerleader, and she, um, also was basically his home, chef to try to get him healthy and to do that. She switched out all the milk to soy milk, and this guy, and as I am, my boobs are bigger. They're really sensitive. They're tender. I don't know what's going on, and it's really annoying. I can't even wear shirt. My nipples are so sensitive. Um, and…

Brian Mckinley: Oh, Dang reaction.

Garrett Soames: yeah, yeah. So I was asking all these questions, you know, could this be a pituitary issue, whatever, whatever. And sure enough. Yeah, you know I got I it was like, well, have you changed your diet and He was like, Yeah, I switched to soy milk and I'm like, Oh, okay. Well, maybe you know, like, how much soy milk do you drink? He's like, Well, I do it in my, you know, cereal in the morning. And then I also, you know, you know, I like to drink milk normally. So I have it with pretty much every meal and then and…

Brian Mckinley: Oh wow. Dang. Wow.

Garrett Soames: then I and then he was also starting to work out. So we did so we proceed. So he took a lot of soy protein, and some product, which so what I'm saying is some in moderation soy, proteins, fine. But if you, if you are looking to like really bulk up and get big, Uh, you should not only use soy protein because of the phytoestrogens, you can have estrogen related side effects. So

Brian Mckinley: And mix it up a little bit. Use some almond milk man. Dang. Yeah.

Garrett Soames: Yes. Yes, switching up. You know, I I my usual recommendation is only one pro if you're if you're one of those bodybuilders that's trying to get like a lot of protein only you should only do maybe one to two scoops of soya day and then any additional protein. Supplementation should be from another Type of Protein or, you know, if you're vegan, you can use soy and switch. You know, the next protein shaky tape should be pea protein or brown rice protein or some other secondary protein. Just to avoid that effect,…

Brian Mckinley: Yeah.

Garrett Soames: but you know, again it's great otherwise it's an excellent protein source

Brian Mckinley:  No. What about that? Brown rice protein? I think that's the only one so far. You haven't touched on.

Garrett Soames:  Sure. Yeah, so yeah, brown rice protein again it's actually Have been around for a while but has you don't see it often because it's, it's probably the least effective for muscle building.


Garrett Soames:  It. Rice proteins do. They are, they do contain all of the essential amino acids so so you can. It's a complete protein and that you can just take brown rice protein and not have to supplement it with something else. the downside is, Of all the proteins, it has the least amount of lysine. which again, I mentioned when we were talking about whey protein, Whey protein has the most amount of lysine amino acid. Brown rice has the least and because lysine is the most important of all the amino acids for muscle growth. Brown rice protein is is the most inferior one if you're trying to gain muscle. But, you know, it's out there as an option, you know, and as long as you're if maybe you already taking a lysine supplement, you know, or something,

Garrett Soames: Then you know, this is a cheaper option for proteins, it's very easy on the stomach, you know probably the easiest one on the stomach. but, Basically. Again, if you're doing everything right, protein is protein is protein, you know, but it's what, what are these and branch gene? Amino acids, You know, it if you get them all, you know, the just the branch chain amino acids or if you get any of these types of protein. It all breaks down at the same chemical structures. But again, you know which, what amount of which amino acids? Are you getting? How much lysine are you getting? How easy digest?

Brian Mckinley: How long does it take?

Garrett Soames: And how long, yes. How long are they being released through your system? So again you just kind of gotta sometimes you gotta, you know, toy around with different products. If you're a vegan, if you're allergic to certain things, you know, there, you know, there's a reason there's so many different products out there. You know, I I'm There's lots of different brands. I've tried them all. I usually go by flavor more than anything, because if I, if, if I have to choke it down because it's disgusting, I'm not gonna use it. So that's the most important thing to me at this point in my life. Um, I'm not trying to put on muscle, I'm not trying to, you know, I just want. But I do need to maintain my muscle. So I need to You know, I have to take a little bit of supplementary protein, most of the time. And so, yeah, I just pick what taste good for me at this point in my life. Yeah.

Brian Mckinley: How fast can I mix this and shove it in my mouth? And you know that I think that one comes down to brands, and we're gonna do another video. Series, probably coming up on like the different brands of types of proteins and kind of our thoughts on it because some of them, I think work a lot better than others.

Brian Mckinley:  But, yeah, if you have any other questions about protein types, or kind of what we talked about today, follow-up questions, feel free to leave that in the the comments below. Let us know. And either we'll Claudia there or will like do like a follow-up video. Something like that. But yeah, thanks for catching our protein videos for today.

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